Find Your Ring Size: Several Ways to Find the Correct Ring Size
You’ve selected the perfect ring, and now you need to find out your ring size! This guide is an overview on several good ways to determine your ring size. Buying a ring for someone else? No problem! See the helpful tips on how to discretely find someone elses ring size.
Ring Guide: Finding the Perfect Setting and Metal
You have selected the perfect diamond, the next step is to find the perfect setting and metal! Eye for Gems offers an array of classic and contemporary solitaire settings, three stone rings, engagement and wedding rings with side stones and more. Our settings come from the top manufactures in the world. Below is a guide that explains the differences in metal and settings.
Learn How to Find the Perfect Setting and Metal

Engagement Ring Guide: Find the Perfect Ring
Find out what you need to know about buying the perfect engagement ring for your budget! Eye for Gems offers an array of engagement rings. Below is a guide that explains the anatomy of an engagement ring, choosing a metal for your setting and picking the right diamond.
Wedding Ring Guide: Finding the Perfect Wedding Ring
Looking to add a beautiful matching wedding ring to complement your engagement ring? Click below to see a helpful guide that explains what to look out for when choosing a wedding ring.

Earrings Buying Guide: The Latest Trends and Choosing the Right Pair
Find out about the latest trends in Earrings Fashion Styles, and getting the most bang for your buck! Eye for Gems offers many different styles of earrings and the best quality in diamonds. Below is a guide that helps you decide which pair of earrings is right for you.